The Transforming Power of Loving Self-Care
The Ultimate Program on Transforming Your Self and Your Life Through Nurturing Self-Care
Enroll in Course
How is your self-care? Like … really?
- Do you feel you get all your needs met?
- Do you know how to set limits and boundaries with the people in your environment?
- Do you actually know what your innermost needs and desires are and how to fulfill them?
The Transforming Power of Loving Self-Care is the program that will empower you to take care of yourself first before looking after everyone else.
Going through this 5-week program gives you the clarity necessary to know what it takes to incorporate loving and nurturing self-care into your life. All future life decisions are much easier because you know what your innermost needs are and how to fulfill them. You know how to set boundaries in a respectful way, be it in your family, at work, or with your friends. You are looking after yourself first before looking after everyone else because you know that you are the most important person in your life. This, in turn, also serves everyone in your environment as you are showing up in life as your most energetic, compassionate and loving self.
Course Curriculum
StartLesson 1: Self-Care Assessment for the Mind
StartLesson 2: Journaling Questions/Prompts for the Mind
StartLesson 3: Mind Awareness Exercise - Mindful Meditation
StartLesson 4: Mind Relaxation Exercise - Calming Your Mind
StartLesson 5: Nurturing Self-Care Practices for the Mind
Your Instructor
Cornelia Merk is uses her Body-Centered Transformation Method to help mainly women who are yearning to reconnect to their own Divinity, which, in turn, allows them to discover and live their ultimate life purpose. In her work, she focuses on the body's innate wisdom to initiate the inner transformation necessary to achieve holistic health and healing.
She has an extensive background in the study of human potential, the body’s self-healing capacity, and the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and brain. After healing her own shoulder and back pain in 1998, Cornelia taught Nia, body awareness, movement, and back pain classes in health centers and gyms in Germany and England. Today, she works with clients all over the world, online and in person, either 1-on-1 or in group settings. She guides her clients to discover and release the body’s power to heal by overcoming limiting beliefs and mindsets and enhancing self-love and self-care. Her goal is to help them reconnect to who they are on a soul level so they can develop a lifestyle that supports increased health and well-being on all levels and honor their Divine Self.